
Inazo Nitobe [オーディオブック] Bu-shi-do 武士道(English)

[オーディオブック] Bu-shi-do 武士道(English)

Inazo Nitobe
ダウンロード販売 MP3 約251分 10ファイル 2012年3月発売
本体 1,810円  税込 1,991円


新渡戸 稲造(にとべ いなぞう)
農学者、教育者。日本銀行券の五千円券の肖像としても知られる。岩手県盛岡市に生まれる。札幌農学校から、東京帝国大学進学。のちに米国に留学。1901年 台湾総督府民政部殖産局長就任。 京都帝国大学法科大学教授・東京貿易殖民学校長などを歴任。1920年 国際連盟事務次長に就任。
Reputed as a great book that overwhelmed President Roosevelt and contributed as a factor in making the United States cooperate in implementing the peace treaty of the Russo-Japanese War, according to an anecdote. The original article submitted in flowing and elegant English instead of Japanese.

A word that can be communicated worldwide is [Bu-shi-do]。That word was spread by this one book: Inazo Nitobe is known as an author and a portrait of 5,000 yen bills of the Bank of Japan note. When Japan seceded from the League of Nations, Inazo Nitobe appealed, "Japan under no circumstances should be an orphan of the international community. A friend of Nitobe who did not understand him uttered, "Did Nitobe come as a representative for the military"? Meanwhile in Japan, while militaristic ideas were building up, since Nitobe commented, "The Communist Party and the Military will destroy our country", this has enticed severe criticism from the military and the right wing, and many of his friends and disciples have left him. Although he has encountered hardships during his old age, he pursued "Bu-shi-do". As a contributory factor to perceiving "My Own Road", please feel the grittiness by this reading.

(C)Ai Library (C) Kotonoha Publications "Audio Book Works of Kotonoha Publications are listed in http://www.kotonoha.co.jp"


1,900円 (税込)

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