
Kakuzo Okakura [オーディオブック] The Book of Tea 茶の本(English)

[オーディオブック] The Book of Tea 茶の本(English)

Kakuzo Okakura
ダウンロード販売 MP3 約132分 7ファイル 2012年3月発売
本体 1,429円  税込 1,571円


岡倉 覚三(おかくら かくぞう)
A book that should at least once be read by a Japanese, the Japanese feeling, "The Book of Tea" by Tenshin Okakura that is published in Audio Book.

This is the third production of Kotonoha Publications called "Great Book Series that has passed on the Japanese feeling". You have not read it although you are a Japanese! Unbelievable! It is an excellent work. This remark was made by Hector Sierra, who presided the NGO "Artists without Boundaries" who were reciting the English version. When the whole Asia including Japan was looked down upon from the West in the early part of the last century, in order to make the West realize the enthusiasm and magnificence of the East, Kakuzo (Tenshin) Okakura wrote this book in Boston. The original draft is written in English. Some expressions which can be taken as provocative are used, and Taoism which is taking the root of the East and the heart of en are represented excellently in the "Tea Ceremony". The first publication was in 1906 (Meiji 39). Even now after one century has passed, it is ndergoing series of versions and is currently on sale. (Iwanami Book Store/ISBN 4003311515) We will send the present work that has attracted many foreigners and Japanese people in distinguished literature reading format.

(C) Kotonoha Publications "Audio Book Works of Kotonoha Publications are listed in http://www.kotonoha.co.jp"


1,500円 (税込)

3,000円 (税込)

本オーディオブックを全部走りながらお聴きいただいたら、約 17 km、1056 kcal 消費できます。 ランナー向け情報について


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この商品の著者による商品一覧: Kakuzo Okakura
